The week before Sarah and Ricky's wedding was full of freezing cold days and a snow storm. I thought to myself “Well the pattern in Huron County this year is to have a snow storm and then it normally warms up a bit and everything just melts away! Well, not only did the snow stick around for the weekend, so did the COLD!!! We woke up Saturday morning to a notification on our phone from the weather channel to watch out for the severe wind chill and lower than normal temperatures! Brrrr…
So, in -12 degrees, we headed to our first wedding of 2020!! Sarah and Ricky were champs. I mean, I don’t think I’ve ever worked with a couple SO dedicated to getting outdoor, natural light portraits!! I was layered up it was hard for me to not shake after being outside for a few minutes! Sarah was in a lace and beaded gown and she braved the miserable cold as if it didn’t bother her at all. I don’t know how she did it, but I’m so glad she was on board for some outdoor portraits because the snow was just gorgeous!!

The perfect bridesmaid colours for a winter wedding!

Sarah was just STUNNING!
Sarahs mom Tracy could not have been more happy or proud, this moment is what every mother to girls looks forward too!

Sarahs Mom Tracy and good friend Angela made these AMAZING fur shawls

Ricky you were one handsome groom.

Brussels Four winds Barn - was a perfect backdrop.

So in LOVE with this one!

Kate from Sweet Tooth Pastries made the most delicious cupcakes and cake.

Ricky singing their first dance song to Sarah during the dance was the sweetest moment ever!

This day was filled with so much love and laughter. This day went perfectly. So many congratulations to my sweet friends - Enjoy your honeymoon in New York this week!

Dress Designer | Kleinfeld Canada - Toronto
Florals | Forest Floral - Stratford
Venue | Brussels Four Winds Barn - Brussels
Cake |Â Sweet Tooth Pastries by Kate
MUA | Sarah Harrigan - Woodham
Sara Case - Kirkton
Hair | Becca - Mitchell